Research Papers |
Papers Published at the International Level : |
Combination of Radiosurgery & Microdermabrasion for Acne Scars
- 20th World Congress of Dermatology, Paris, July 2002 |
Non-healing Diabetic Ulcer treated using 660nm Red Phototherapy
- 20th World Congress of Dermatology, Paris, July 2002 |
Use of Radiosurgery for multiple warts on tongue
- 20th World Congress of Dermatology, Paris, July 2002 |
Combination therapy of multiple acne keloids
- 20th World Congress of Dermatology, Paris, July 2002 |
Red light phototherapy for non-healing wounds of various aetiologies
- 20th World Congress of Dermatology, Paris, July 2002
Papers Published at the National Level : |
A New Effective Phototherapeutic Approach For Non-Healing Wounds Of Various Aetiologies
- National Dermatology Conference, Chandigarh, 1998 |
Biobeam 660 Phototherapy For Herpes Simplex : Pilot Indian Study
- National Dermatology Conference,Bhubaneshwar, 1999 |
Biobeam 660 Phototherapy Of Diabetic Gangrene Saves Major Amputation
- National Dermatology Conference, Bhubaneshwar, 1999 |
Radiosurgical Treatment Of Verrucae- A Rapid, Superior, Result Oriented Treatment.
- National Dermatology Conference, Bangalore, 2000 |
Radiosurgery - A Safe Effective Technique For The Sensitive Areas Of The Body.
- National Dermatology Conference, Agra, 2001 |
Evaluation Of Radiosurgery As A New Cosmetic Dermatosurgical Technique.
- National Dermatology Conference, Agra, 2001 |
A Phototherapeutic Appproach To Acne Vulgaris
- National Dermatology Conference, Cochin, 2002 |
Evaluation Of 'Ellman Radiosurgery' In A Modern Office Dermatosurgical Setup - A 2 Years Experience
- National Dermatology Conference, Cochin, 2002 |
Combination Of Radiosurgery & Microdermabrasion For Acne Scars
- National Dermatology Conference, Cochin, 2002 |
Multiple Warts On Tongue Effectively Treated Using Radiosurgery
- National Dermatology Conference, Cochin, 2002 |
Use Of Cosmetic Radiosurgery For Depressed And Deep Pitted Scars On Face
- National Dermatology Conference,Cochin, 2002 |
National Dermatology Conference, Chandigarh, 1998
A New Effective Phototherapeutic Approach
For Non-Healing Wounds Of Various Aetiologies
Dr. Bipin Deshpande
Consulting Dermatologist, Pune
A pilot study to evaluate effectiveness of Narrow Band Low Level Red Light of 660 nm of 'Biobeam 660' on the course of Oral & Genital Herpes Simplex was carried out for the first time in Indian Patients. 86 patients were selected for study (59 Oral, 27 Genital), age group: 8 to 55 years.
Selection criteria were -
I. All recurrent infection cases
II. Patients reporting from prodromal stage from 2nd day of eruption. Duration of recurrence - 6 moths to 8 years.
Frequency of recurrence - once a month to 3-4 times a year. Immunosuppressed patients excluded.
Prodromal stage includes prelesional complaints of itching, burning, tingling.
No medicines were given during the treatment. Phototherapy given for 10 minutes once daily for 3 days.
Average duration for using Phototherapy was compared with patient's previous treatment using Acyclovir (Oral & Local).
Start to loss of crust was considered as duration of single attack. Average duration of single attack treated by Phototherapy was 4.5 days ( +/- 1.3) compared to 8 days when treated with Acyclovir. Pain, itching, burning stopped within one day after first treatment. Treatment started in Prodromal stage caused healing in 3 days.
Biobeam 660 therapy proves effective as drugless therapy for Herpes Simplex infection assuring faster healing compared to conventional treatments.

Introduction :
Non-healing wounds are great problem to the suffering patient & his treating doctor.
A special electronic device " BioBeam 660" developed in ISREAL emitting " Narrow band low level red light of 660 nm" was used for the first time in Indian patients.
Methods :
One case each of the following etiologies of Non-healing wounds were selected in this study-
1. Diabetes with peripheral neuropathy.
2. Varicose Veins.
3. Post grafting ulcer on Sternum
4. Post amputation wound in Peripheral Vascular Disease.
5. Steroid induced impaired wound healing.
6. Leprosy with polyneuropathy
7. Statis dermatitis with hypostatic oedema.
8. Diabetic pregangrene.
Patients were thoroughly investigated before treatment. Oral antibiotics given initially only. Phototherapy given daily till appreciable healing occurred. Timings were individualized for each case. Daily dressing with Soframycin powder. Wound measurements, Photography done periodically.
Results :
All wounds healed completely. Exceptionally fast healing occurred whatever may be the cause. Average 25 sittings required. Cosmetically superb, nonfibrotic scar of good skin texture achieved. No recurrence in any case. Very less use of antibiotics. Success rate close to 100%.
Conclusion :
This novel phototherapy is unique incomparable therapeutic option for non-healing wounds of various aetiolgies including post skin grafting ulcers.

National Dermatology Conference, Bhubaneshwar, 1999
Biobeam 660 Phototherapy For Herpes Simplex : Pilot Indian Study
Dr. Bipin Deshpande,
M.B.B.S, D.V.D. Skin Specialist, Specialist in Biobeam 660 Phototherapy
A pilot study to evaluate effectiveness of Narrow Band Low Level Red Light of 660 nm of 'Biobeam 660' on the course of Oral & Genital Herpes Simplex was carried out for the first time in Indian Patients. 86 patients were selected for study (59 Oral, 27 Genital), age group: 8 to 55 years.
Selection criteria were -
I. All recurrent infection cases
II. Patients reporting from prodromal stage from 2nd day of eruption. Duration of recurrence - 6 moths to 8 years.
Frequency of recurrence - once a month to 3-4 times a year. Immunosuppressed patients excluded.
Prodromal stage includes prelesional complaints of itching, burning, tingling.
No medicines were given during the treatment. Phototherapy given for 10 minutes once daily for 3 days.
Average duration for using Phototherapy was compared with patient's previous treatment using Acyclovir (Oral & Local).
Start to loss of crust was considered as duration of single attack. Average duration of single attack treated by Phototherapy was 4.5 days ( +/- 1.3) compared to 8 days when treated with Acyclovir. Pain, itching, burning stopped within one day after first treatment. Treatment started in Prodromal stage caused healing in 3 days.
Biobeam 660 therapy proves effective as drugless therapy for Herpes Simplex infection assuring faster healing compared to conventional treatments.

National Dermatology Conference, Bhubaneshwar, 1999
Biobeam 660 Phototherapy Of Diabetic Gangrene Saves Major Amputation
Dr. Bipin Deshpande, M.B.B.S. , D.V.D.
Skin Specialist, Specialist in BioBeam 660 Phototherapy
A 69 year old female having Diabetic Gangrene of recent origin was treated successfully by " Biobeam 660 Phototherapy " for the first time in India. Patient having Diabetes for 20 years approached for treatment of her Diabetic Gangrene. Patient had a non-Healing wound on her left sole for over three months with recent development of gangrenous changes over left great toe. Her color doppler study revealed of less blood supply below knee. Hence she was advised ' Below knee Amputation ' by her surgeon.
I started " Biobeam 660 Therapy " for her problem. The treatment was given 16-20 minutes, twice daily for three weeks; followed by once daily which required complete healing for 6 months.
Diabetes controlled with Insulin. Antibiotics given whenever required. Pentoxyfylline continued. Wound dressed with Mupirocin oint & Oxoferrin solution. Photography done periodically. Only partial Amputation of left great toe done.
Patient showed steady continuous progress over complete healing when put on " Biobeam Phototherapy ". Progressively increasing necrosis was clearly halted by Phototherapy. Six months of Phototherapy daily led to complete healing. Patient followed up for six months, till today showed no deterioration.
" Biobeam 660 Phototherapy " successfully treated " Diabetic Gangrene " and saved below knee Amputation.
National Dermatology Conference, Bangalore, 2000
Radiosurgical Treatment Of Verrucae-
A Rapid, Superior, Result Oriented Treatment.
Dr. Bipin Deshpande,
Introduction :
Radiosurgery is a new office procedure. It uses high frequency radiowaves of 3.8 to 4 MHz for cutting.
Object of Study:
To evaluate the efficacy & advantages of Radiosurgery in treating common dermatological problems of Verrucae of all types affecting skin only.
Materials & Methods:
15 patients were selected. They had multiple warts on various parts of body. They included 5 patients of Verrucae plana, 8 patients of warts on palms, hands, forearms, legs, scalp ( Verruca Vulgaris, Filiform ), 2 patients of plantar warts. Average of 17 warts per patient on all parts except soles. On sole each patient had 2 warts. 2 patients who had more than 20 warts were treated in two sessions.
All warts except those on the face were treated by "Electosection" under local anaesthetic Inj-Xylocaine with adrenaline. " Electrocoagulation" was used whenever required. For all patients of plane warts " Electrodessication" was used without local anaesthesia. The procedure was rapid, almost bloodless except for plantar warts. Post operative pain was minimal. Antibiotic ointment was used till healing.
Compared to Electrocautery, Cryotherepay, routine surgery this procedure was found to be more efficacious & advantageous due to -
Rapid office procedure, can tackle more than 10 warts at a time in small period; immediate result; minimal trauma, bleeding, post operative pain, scarring, no recurrence (except in 2 periungual warts) & no complications.